A PGIMER study carried out in 2017 unveiled, “Four out of ten people in Punjab are suffering from hypertension”. The study is already a couple-of-years old and we have to agree to the facts that the numbers would have definitely soared in this time. Our last few blogs precisely and comprehensively illustrated hypertension and its risk factors. In our new blog, we will be concentrating on the precautions required to avoid or regulate a person’s ungovernable blood pressure levels. Echoing Haruki Murakami words, “Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional,” we just want to make you understand that there is certainly a way to manage or deal with any fatal disease.
If you have recently been diagnosed with hypertension then “How to Control it” must be topping your Google searches. Well, we are indeed happy to help you! First of all, just take a deep breath, and understand the fact that there is nothing to worry. The lesser you worry; easier the path to heal would become. Apart from relaxing, there are few more things, which a hypertensive patient needs to keep in mind, in order to, manage his/her blood pressure levels.
Ways to control high blood pressure
- Adherence to medication
After being diagnosed with hypertension, the first and foremost thing to understand is the importance of your medicine. If your doctor has prescribed you a particular medication then it is necessary that you should take it properly. Leaving your medicine in between is not at all a wise choice. Most importantly, when it comes to medication, do not ever believe the word of mouth. Stick to your prescription to control your blood pressure levels.
- Make your plate healthier
A hypertensive patient is highly recommended to follow a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, grains. A healthy diet can help in lowering the blood pressure by up to 11 mg Hg. A hypertensive patient is highly recommended to follow a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, grains. A healthy diet can help in lowering the blood pressure by up to 11 mg Hg. It is always necessary to monitor you eating habits. Apart from that, a diet low on sodium and high on potassium can also do miracles to your blood pressure levels.
- Introduce enough physical activity to your lifestyle
If you ever talk to a hypertension patient then he/she would always recommend you to be physically active. Physical activities like walking, running, yoga, and exercising help in managing our weight and eventually the blood pressure levels. Doctors recommend 2 hours and 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise, like brisk walking or bicycling, every week for senior citizens. For children and adults, a good 1 hour of physical activity is important every day.
- Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water in a day
“Water is life,” a fact that is now known to most of us. Drinking sufficient amount of water in a day helps us to stay healthy. For hypertension patients, water act as nectar. A hypertensive patient should drink at least 8-10 glasses of water every day as it helps in managing the blood pressure levels.
- Your waistline should be a matter of concern for you!
There is no denying to the fact that a person, who weighs more, is more prone to life-threatening diseases. The size of your waist tells a lot about your health. If a person is carrying way too much pounds around his waist then he/she is at a higher risk to become hypertensive in future.
Generally, for a man, a waist size greater than 40 inches (102 cm) is a matter of concern while a waist size greater than 35 inches (89 cm) puts a woman at risk.
So, it is always necessary to keep a check on your waistline and shredding the extra pounds around it.
- Quit smoking
Smoking cigarettes not only raises blood pressure but also makes us more prone to heart diseases and stroke. A chain smoker is at high risk to suffer a heart attack or stroke than the one who doesn’t smoke at all. If you smoke then it would be better for you to quit as soon as possible.
- Limit your consumption of alcohol
Alcohol can either act as medicine or poison, depending on the quantity of your consumption. Interestingly, one drink a day for women, or two a day for men can lower the blood pressure by about 4 mm Hg. Thus it is better to limit your alcohol consumption. Excess alcohol can raise blood pressure by several points and also reduces the effectiveness of medication.